For many reason, Jesus is not Messiah.



Why Jesus is Not the Messiah


Primarily, Jesus did nothing to validate himself as Messiah. The Rabbis are God's authority on the Bible and have determined the Messiah's credentials, all of which Jesus failed to do:


Descendant of David

Erect the Temple

Gather in the Jewish exiles

Fight wars of God

Demonstrate prophecy

Uphold the Bible



Next, the Jewish nation accepts miracles. The reason they did not accept claims about Jesus is because there was no evidence. When God desires to validate his true prophets, He performs miracles for them in front of mass witnesses leaving no doubt of the identity of His true prophets. These include the Ten Plagues, the splitting of the Reed Sea, the Manna, the rock (well), Revelation at Sinai, the splitting of the Jordan, the halting of the sun and moon and the sinking of Jericho’s walls for Joshua, the fire from heaven for Elijah on Mount Carmel, to name a few. Each time God validates a prophet, He does so in no uncertain terms, ensuring masses witness the miracle surrounding a true prophet. Such cases survive all generations as irrefutable historic truths. In contrast, contested historic claims do not bear the mark of God’s intervention. Therefore claims of Jesus as God's prophet are not accepted as he was not validated.



Christianity Claims Jesus Died for Other Peoples’ Sins

Deuteronomy, 24:16; “There will not be killed fathers for sons (sins, nor) are sons killed for father’s (sins). Each man in his own sin will be killed.”

This verse teaches that the theory of the death of Jesus on behalf of others’ sins is contrary to God’s own words. God’s system is just, only the one who sins pays the price, not another. God teaches us intellectually sound ideas that are reasonable and conform to justice.



Isaiah 53

Christianity wishes to distort Isaiah 53 into a support for Jesus dying for others. Rabbi Moshe Ben-Chaim has explained this chapter here:



Thus, it is quite clear that Jesus did not prove himself to be the Messiah. This claim, along with the supposed miracles he performed are lies fabricated about Jesus hundreds of years after he lived. We must not be impressed by the antiquity of Christianity, the priests' clothing or the enormous and ornate churches. These in no way validate that Christianity or Jesus are directed by God.

Revelation at Sinai is the only time mankind ever witnessed God giving us a religion.



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It's violations of God's Biblical words throughout the Torah.
















Jesus: Not the Messiah


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Jews for Moses is a counter missionary program. Our objective is to help Jews learn Torah truths, and the flaws of missionaries' claims concerning Christianity and Jesus. We welcome discussion with all interested, Jew or gentile. Jews for Moses is run by orthodox Rabbis.


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Proof of God & His Will


The Bible was Given st Mt. Sinai, and there is a way to prove this.























It's violations of God's Biblical words throughout the Torah.




















Jesus: Not the Messiah


Read the reasons why according to Torah, Jesus is not the Messiah.





















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