To whom did God give His Torah, the Bible?
It was not to Christians or Jesus. History records that God gave His Torah to Moses and 2.5 million Jewish witnesses 3,330 years ago on Mt. Sinai. Christianity and Islam too affirm this. Thereby, missionaries reject God's Torah. They try to make young Jews doubt Judaism. But we'll show you the clear proof why they're wrong. And we're just an email away when you need an answer.
On campus and on facebook, Jews for Jesus continues its assault on unsuspecting Jewish students. Jews for Jesus and Torah disagree: both cannot be correct. Intelligent inquiry based on history and reason is the only way to determine the truth. It was not Christians or Jesus, but Moses and 2.5 million Jews who received God’s Bible at Mt. Sinai. To learn God’s true religion, study only from Moses’ descendants, not Jews for Jesus, who violate God‘s Bible. God selected Moses and the Jews to be the sole authority of the Bible's teachings. Today Rabbis are God's appointed authority on what the Bible says.
In just a few steps, we will demonstrate how the truth is validated. Click the links below to read a short summary of the facts and reasoning. Email us at any time.
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Jews for Moses is a counter missionary program. Our objective is to help Jews learn Torah truths, and the flaws of missionaries' claims concerning Christianity and Jesus. We welcome discussion with all interested, Jew or gentile. Jews for Moses is run by orthodox Rabbis.
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